Cookies with the Cops - June 19

UHCA began Coffee with The Cops 30 years ago when crime stats were high. We met with neighbors several times a year at vulnerable spots; and working together, we shut down drug and prostitution operations. Because of being proactive with Zone Watch, Neighborhood Watch and Next Door we live in a safe community. But issues do pop up. For instance, in Zone 3 several bike thefts occurred. Thanks to Zone 3 Coordinator Mary Langeโ€™s communication among her E-Tree recipients, one suspected perpetrator was recently arrested.

Please join us at one of the three locations to meet, greet and thank our police officers. 5:30 pm: Mystic Mocha (Alabama at Mission) 6:15 pm: bfd (big front door) and The Original Pickle Store (Park and Polk) 7:00 pm: The Point (Rhode Island at Golden Gate).

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